"Mysterious events, unexpected twists, and a chilling atmosphere keep the audience engaged as they unravel a web of secrets, deception, and violence. The story explores complex character relationships, culminating in a deadly confrontation that leaves an indelible mark, ending with an unsettling question about the cult's influence.”
- ScriptMatix, September 2023
by the Jersey City Horror Film Festival, August 2023
"BEWARE! THE DEVIL'S WRATH delivers an exhilarating script that plunges the audience into a chilling and pulse-pounding horror narrative.”
- The Black List, August 2023
Written & Directed By
Craig Meinhart
When a beautiful woman (Samantha) and her mysterious husband with a shadowy past (Richard) move into the tight-knit community of Blackwood Falls, a terrible sex crime unleashes a wave of occult-themed murders that overwhelms the town.
Beware! The Devil’s Wrath
Get Acess To The Short Film
Watch the 10 minute short that launched our feature film! Watch for as little as $1 or tip extra, all proceeds go towards the production of the feature version.